Monday, 23 July 2018

July 24, 2013: Pitre Family Discoveries in Port Royal

More historical sleuthing with Mom, Jacquie, Wayne and Alan (and of course Lee Roy):

On Wednesday the 24th we brought Penelope to a park in Annapolis Royal and then headed to Port Royal and enjoyed a tour with Wayne Melanson as our guide. It was truly exciting and informative, an incredible walk into the past. We then visited a couple of museums along George Street, in Annapolis Royal and then then decided to try out the German Bakery, Restaurant & Cafe for lunch before heading back home. Fern was coming back to our cottage to bring Lee Roy and I to see the land on which the Pitre homestead had been, sometime before 1707. In the survey of 1707 it was clearly Claude Pitre's place, the eldest son of Jean Pitre. The land was all overgrown and no buildings remained but there were telling markers here and there. What an incredible experience it was to be on the actual land and to see things like the rocks that had been placed around their well and the rocks that could have surrounded a windmill, as well as large holes dug out surrounded by rocks that showed the possible location of buildings at an earlier time. There were also signs of other buildings that had been built after the Acadians had been deported from this land. What an incredible memory to bring back home with us. We then went for supper with Lee Roy at a Croatian Restaurant, the Sweet Secret Restaurant, and ended up seeing Fern, Mary and his grandson there. Later that day, after supper, Jacquie drove me back to Fort Anne to meet up with Lee Roy, to take in the evening graveyard tour. Wayne's twin brother, Alan was the tour guide. With lanterns in hand, 56 of us followed Alan all along the various parts of the graveyard while he explained each distinct part and the history around it. 

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