Monday, 30 July 2018

July 30, 2013: Goodbyes

After some breakfast in the morning we bid him goodbye with a promise to return and headed for Ontario. When we had travelled several hours, we spotted a big sign that read "The Big Apple", near the town of Cobourg, Ontario. We decided to stop there, as our appetites built up in anticipation and ended up buying several delicious apple pies on the way home. A few hours later we were finally back in Mississauga and made our way to Jacquie and Jason's 25th floor condo. After enlisting Jason to help us bring up our many bags and supplies, we were just happy to sit down and relax after the day- long drive back home, just having to plan supper and anticipating a wonderful apple pie dessert. After a wonderful evening I thought of how great it was that I would still have until the following Wednesday morning to visit with my daughter's family before my plane trip back home. What a gift to have this precious time with them.
This trip has come to an end but the memories will be long-lasting and most precious to my daughter and I. We will be forever grateful to all the wonderful people who made this happen for us, Lee Roy, Marcel, Wayne, Fern, Wayne and Alan. It is my wish that we will see all of them again, as this is just the beginning of the unfolding of our history. Much is yet to come. 

Alas, more was not to come, as our wonderful mother passed away on September 4, 2015. But I can tell you that in her remaining years, she never tired of telling me and my sister what this very special trip meant to her. We again thank everyone involved for all that was done to make this incredible trip happen. We love you all! And personally, organizing and publishing these blogs has brought a bit of my mom back to me. And isn't that what history's all about? Take care, one and all!


Jacquie and Michel

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