Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Welcome From Mike

Hello and welcome to our new project. My name is Michel Mike Hebert aka Mikey The Movie Guy. I remember well the moment when our mother Annette told Jacquie of her quest to find out as much information on Prisque Fagnan as possible. Mom said it was going to be a big job, and asked preteen Jacquie if she would like to help. An enthusiastic yes was offered in return, and from that day on they shared a bond through genealogy. I always appreciated genealogy from a historical and familial perspective. But I was never as good at tracing family tree connections as my mom and sister were, even after completing one for a grade school assignment. I wondered how I was going to contribute to this family passion.

Then one night at a family birthday celebration, Mom gave a presentation on the history of the Fagnan family crest, complete with pictures and charts.  Exact details fail me right now, but I remember it was meticulously researched, and that Mom really seemed to shine when presenting it.

And it got me thinking, "That presentation was really good and really cool. But I wonder how this would work as a blog?" I never told anyone of my idea. I filed it away for future use.

Well. the future came last night when Jacquie messaged me and asked me if I wanted me to do a blog on genealogy. Despite family trees not being my area of expertise, I could not pass up this opportunity to preserve her legacy and continue the work which was her passion. Love you Mom, and love you sis! I am sure we can put our heads together and come up with stories to tell the new  generation now beginning in our family!


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